Gambling is a deadly vice. You get sucked in thinking you can win big. Maybe you do, at the beginning. But the game has been rigged from the start. The house always wins.
The problems linked with gambling include:
- Addiction to the rush which in turn causes:
- Restlessness
- Time lost to gambling
- Financial loss which in turn can lead to:
- Strain on relationships
- Committing crimes to fund addiction
And that's not to mention the number who start to have dark thoughts because of these strains, and the even more unfortunate number of those who act on them.
But you know that already. You knew that when you started. And the drug caught you in its trap anyway.
With how present gambling is in society, it can feel like you have no one to turn to, and nothing will help. For example, a certain gambling website owns an F1 team. Another owns a stadium. Some counries national lotteries are advertised almost everywhere.
It's never too late to quit. It's never too late to make a change in your life. I don't care if you're reading this thinking, "I've had urges all day just trying to go a day without." You can do this.
If you feel like you can't take anymore, like you can't face the day, or thinking about hurting yourself - help is available. Call the Samaritans for free 24/7 at 116 123, or call your local suicide hotline. However bad you feel, I promise it will all be okay, you can get through this rough patch.
Get Help
You can find supportive services for quitting gambling:
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Congo (DR)
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possibly and
General / Not Listed
Online resources
- The Freedom Model - change the way you think about addiction
- Sobriety or I Am Sober - track your sobriety
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